What is your hourly rate for event photos? $175-$250 an hour, depending on how many hours you are booking.
How many photos will we receive? This varies widely from event to event, depending on the type and specifics of your gathering. If your event has a high attendance, lots of visual details and action we usually edit around 75-80 images per hour you've booked. If your event is a corporate meeting, then expect closer to 35-50 images per hour.
How do we pay for the photos? After we determine how many hours of documentation you need for your event, I will send an event photography proposal and a contract. Next, you sign it and pay half of the fee via credit card or bank transfer to lock in your date. The other half is due on the day of the event.

How far in advance do we need to book a photographer for our event? This varies, but if I am not available, I know several top notch professional event photographers who can cover your event for you.
How will pictures be delivered? The photos will be delivered in full and web resolution via an online gallery called Pixieset.com

How long will it take to get our photos? The images will be delivered within 72 hours, unless you pay for a rush. A "PR Rush" is 25 photos within 24 hours after the event and costs $175. A "full set rush" is all of the photos delivered within 24 hours of the event. A full set rush costs $250.
Will the photos be retouched? No. The photos will be lightly edited. They will be color balanced, cropped and adjusted for exposure. Retouching can be added to any photo for an additional $20-$40, depending on what type of work you want done to the image.

Will you photograph my wedding, birthday party or anniversary party? My studio only books corporate events at this time. But, I can give you referrals for any other types of events.