1. Yes, you need a headshot
You may think that you don’t need photos of yourself on your website because stock photography works just fine, or maybe you want to use a headshot taken back in 2008. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Your ideal clients want to get to know you and trust you—and they can’t do that if they can’t see your face. People process images faster than they do words. And they will connect with your words so much better if they can see who is behind them. Your target audience and potential clients want to see you. Your photographer will help you feel comfortable and relaxed and direct you so you look and feel natural.
2. You don't need to be photogenic
When you see photos of people who look as though they were meant to be in front of the camera, most of the time it’s more about how the photographer has made them feel than any ability of the person to look good on camera. A good brand photographer will know how to make you feel and look comfortable. You might be surprised to learn that almost everyone is uncomfortable in front of the camera, no matter how many times they’ve done it. But with a few good posing tips and some laughs, you'll feel like a natural in no time-- and have amazing images to match!

3. The experience will be more fun than you think
You may have had negative experiences having your headshot taken in the past. Maybe the photographer only took a few photos and then didn't let you pick your favorite for retouching. Maybe they didn't give you any posing tips. Maybe they didn't use good lighting gear and the photos weren't flattering. Almost everyone has had an experience like that, and it's one of the reasons that it's good idea to hire a photographer who specializes in headshots. I do my best to make every client feel comfortable, and you will have more fun than you thought you would when you visit my studio for your session.